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PDC provides innovative productive and effective learning solutions catered to the professional advancement of individuals and organizations.

PDC aims to create greater more effective learning experiences by utilizing the principles of the Multiple Level Learning and Multiple Goals Event philosophies. 

Combined with innovative training techniques adjusted to the education level of its clients, PDC creates measurable long-term change results based on the desired outcomes of the customer.

Working in close cooperation with education decision makers, PDC can effectively design learning experiences that meet multiple learning needs specifically in a cost and time effective manner by utilizing available resources in combination with PDC provided learning aids.  In this manner it can also create objective evaluation tools which will help ensure long-term development.



Subject-based Lessons

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PDC Organizational Development involves not only designing systems of delegating responsibility, but also authority, process and communication structures along with the education to use it properly and effectively.

PDC works with organizations on the structure and education level helping clients not only to clarify roles, but also to change in an appropriate amount of time in accordance with their goals thereby saving the organization time and money by reducing downtime and potential communication problems. 

Add to that the ability to improve job performance through enhanced understanding of roles and responsibility structures.

Besides structure, is efficiency of output.  As companies are product/services oriented, they misout on the return potential of the human capital that is developed in any venture.  


Training for each part of the organizational structure is included from Owners, to management and staff. 





Sports teams/organizations




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Regional / National


Change management affects geographical regions as much and in a similar way as organizations.  


When PDC was founded, the EU has just added 12 new countries and therefore in need of national upgrades to take advantage of the newly shared resources while trying to keep its cultural sovereignty.


The rush to unification feared the loss of identity, but not necessarily so. In these cases, the decision-makes need merely to choose an identity, and support the systemic change intentionally. 




European Integration


Socio-Economic Identity


Products: Text


The International impact of change takes a combination of the above three. 


In today's global economy, organizations have reaches far beyond its locality.  Innovations affect cultures and communication worldwide, and news travels across the globe in seconds. 


Affective change at this level takes more than Heads of State, but a unity of decision-makers across multiple industries.  Still, as with all PDC philosophies, changes happen, its a matter of making them intentionally. 

Products: Text
Organized Desk

Helen Keller

True happiness is not found through self-gratification, but in fidelity to a worth purpose

Products: Quote
Products: Members Page

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